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A Busy Year So Far

It is so fabulous to see the interest in positive reinforcement training for horses getting more popular! My two clinics in Ontario this year were fabulous and one even had a waiting list. How cool is that! Here are some pictures from those clinics. They were great fun and I look forward to returning in the fall ( the one clinic is already full for the intermediate two days but still room in the intro clinic day - contact Kendra) . The date for the other Ontario clinic is still to be decided but be sure to drop me a message if you are interested and I'll put you in touch with the organizer.

Pictures from Ottawa Clinic - thanks to Ellie OReilly for these great pictures of everyone.

Playing with Equispeak letter 'Fc'

A great group of ladies!

How to get off the pedestal - using targeting

Some horses love getting even

Starting the cue transfer to the rein after shaping the lateral flexion with Equispeak letter 'Tf"

Working on mechanics before adding the horse, a very important step.

Lovely food delivery.

Next the Toronto Clinic . Another great group where we got to play with even more of the variations of the Equispeak alphabet to help get shoulder in and haunches in started for these dedicated ladies. . Thanks Kristine Newman-Jones for all the time she took taking pictures and doing up videos for me.

Lovely relaxed Equispeak letter 'W'

Practicing with the human 'horse' again to perfect mechanics.

What a clever 'human' horse!

Fabulous weather and a great facility to play at.

Deep discussions.


I was delighted to be asked to return to Germany for a clinic there again and also to France while I was in the neighborhood. Again it was such fun and I got to take the high speed train from Germany to Paris!

Here are some pictures from my European tour for you to enjoy. I am hoping to be back again next spring and have also been asked to teach a clinic in Norway at the end of June world. Dates to be finalized later.


Patricia helping us all to learn new moves to help us dance with our horses!

More moves!

More deep discussions despite the 37 degree temperatures!

There was even some ridden work.

Lovely Spanish horse beginning his R+ journey.

Playing with movement and diagonalization in backing.

France Clinic - a small but keen group! Again in very very hot weather. Minis and huge draft horses..great fun.

Online Course Update

The online course is still ( and will be for a looong time) a work in progress but the first three modules are out and I want to thank all of you who have signed up and are having fun exploring the concepts in them. More to come soon and I will now be able to offer them for longer periods of time! For those of you in Germany stay tuned for the launch of the German version of the website and hopefully course too later this year!

Till we meet again. Keep it Positive.

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