About Equispeak
Equispeak promotes positive, science-based horse training and attracts individuals interested in discovering a powerful and effective approach.

What is positive reinforcement training?
Put simply, positive reinforcement training uses a reward (food) for desired behaviors. This creates a positive association with the action and encourages repeat behavior.
This approach is then paired with a clicker. The horse learns that hearing a click means the correct behavior was performed and a reward is coming - further reinforcing the behavior.
How it works
Equispeak uses clicker training to progress through three key areas: ​

Equispeak Techniques
Equispeak uses techniques to create a language between you and your horse; such as dynamic food delivery (DFD) and feeding the wait.
This, combined with clicker training, will help you build the foundations of a strong bond with your horse.
Recommended for:
Beginners, if you’re new to positive reinforcement training or just need a refresher of the basics to help move forward as a trainer.
Introducing clicker training

Equispeak Dance
Equispeak Techniques can be combined to create behavior chains and sequences. This enables you to further the language between you and your horse so that you can move together without frustration.
A helpful analogy is to imagine you’re writing a song that both you and your horse can understand and “dance” to together.
Recommended for:
Intermediates with minimal prior experience of clicker training. This will help you develop your skills and find solutions to common training challenges.
Refining the Equispeak language

Equispeak Aware
Once you have established the techniques, and how to “dance” with your horse, you can move to more advanced tasks such as hoof lifts and trailer loading – or even activities such as driving and riding.
This requires you, as the trainer, to continue improving your own body awareness and refine the balance necessary to maintain a strong bond with your horse.
Recommended for:
Advanced trainers who are confident in clicker training and looking to enhance their skills further through personalized coaching.
Focusing on your body awareness
Equispeak ensures an inclusive learning environment for everyone.