I have great news to share with you all. I am helping out Alexandra Kurland, my mentor, at a clicker clinic at Cavalia in Quebec at their home farm this coming week and have been busy prepping for that. If anyone is interested in attending the next clinic there in June please let me know either by a post here or emailing me from my website www.theponyfairy.com for more details and who to contact.
So this week I’m going to share a couple videos and pictures from a couple of ladies who are also Alex’s TCCT coaches and I hope to get some of you inspired enough to give this work a try! The changes that you can see in their before and after pictures are amazing and it is all because of doing the work that Alex has so wonderfully laid out for us.
The first picture is Aesop before and the next two after more of the work, with Harrison showing lovely after carriage! Here is Aesop near the start of Alexandra’s program and another one after working with it for a while…quite the difference.

And here is Harrison. Hard to believe this is the same horse! And it is all done using clicker training! These horses love to come and play! And the playing has lead to some pretty fancy movement!

These are not high priced imported horses. One, Harrison, an Appaloosa, was initially saved from the meat truck and the other, Aesop, is an American mustang. This body of work can turn any horse into the best he can be and do it while focusing on balance and soundness so that he can continue this beautiful work for an entire lifetime. Alex’s own horse, Robin, who was the first horse she did this work with, is turning 30 this month, a testament to how this work keeps horses sound in body and mind.
I encourage those of you who are looking for a way to enjoy your horse to check out this work, even if you don’t ride it will produce amazing results. I’ll be sure to update you on the clinic happenings from Cavalia when I return.
Until then keep it positive!